How Can I Tell If My Dental Implant Is Failing?

How Can I Tell If My Dental Implant Is Failing?

Blog Article

Dental implants provide a durable, long-term solution to replace missing teeth. Nevertheless, in certain situations, they may fail due to various reasons, including infection, bone loss, and improper healing. The sooner we are aware of the signs of a failing implant, the better we can prevent complications and save the implant.

Signs of a Failing Dental Implant
✔Persistent Pain or Discomfort

Slight discomfort after implant surgery is common; however, enduring pain that is persistent or getting worse might be considered failure.
Pain that just won't go away may indicate possible infection or incorrect placement.
✔ Loose or Shifting Implant

Healing implants should feel like a natural tooth.
If your implant is loose, it might mean that osseointegration has not occurred properly.
✔ Swelling or Inflammation

Some swelling is expected after the surgery; however, if that swelling persists for weeks and/or grows worse, it could be the result of an infection (peri-implantitis).
Red, tender, or bleeding gums around the implant should never be ignored.
✔ Difficulty in Chewing or Biting

If you feel uncomfortable chewing with the implant, it is either incorrectly placed or unstable.
Consider that properly placed implants function in every way like your natural teeth.
✔ Gum Recession Around the Implant

If you ever notice a receding gumline around the implant site, it may expose the metal post and lead to loss of support.
Gum recession could be due to poor oral hygiene or improper implantation.
✔ Pus or Bad Breath

Pus formation around the implant site or bad breath that lingers on indicates infection requiring immediate attention.

What to Do if Your Implant Is Failing?
✔ Go to a Dentist Immediately

Timely intervention can save a failing implant. The dentist will evaluate the problem and suggest the right treatment.
✔ Maintain Oral Hygiene

Brushing and flossing, as well as using an antibacterial mouthwash to stem the infections.
✔ Avoid Smoking and Alcohol

They would slow healing and make implant failure even more probable.

Don't ignore these signs! Book a consultation with Smile Again Dental Clinic, recognized for the Best Dental Implant in Mumbai. Our experts will evaluate your dental implant and recommend the best possible way to restore your oral health.

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